[Version 1.2.23]

  • Fix: Logo size
  • Fix: Mobile cart dropdown alignment
  • New: Additional fields for the login modal
  • New: Added support for Custom Fonts plugin
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: LifterLMS templates
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.7.15
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.2.12

[Version 1.2.22]

  • New: Added option to change button colors
  • New: Add to cart button will show “View Cart” if course is already in cart
  • New: Added option to show/hide sorter and results count on Shop page
  • Improvement: Theme widgets now uses Elementor icon picker
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: WooCommerce templates
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.7.10
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.2.11

[ Version 1.2.21]

  • New: Added option to select course filters on search page
  • New: Added color & background options for the course page
  • Fix: Course Share button
  • Update: CSS styles

[ Version 1.2.20]

  • Fix: Google Fonts display issue – Talemy > Fonts > Tools > Regeneral Fonts URLs
  • Fix: Post share buttons
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.2.10

[ Version 1.2.19]

  • New: Added option to choose breadcrumbs engine
  • Update: Theme templates & Styles
  • Update: Social Icons
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.6.20
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.2.9

[ Version 1.2.18]

  • New: Added wysiwyg bio option on user profile page
  • Update: WooCommerce templates
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.6.15
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.2.8

[ Version 1.2.17]

  • New: Added option to select a default tab on course page
  • New: Added option to select share buttons
  • Fix: Custom Elementor header disables the page scroll if page loader is enabled
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: WooCommerce templates
  • Update: Learndash Course Reviews v1.1.4
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.6.12

[ Version 1.2.16]

  • New: Added page loader to Learndash Focus Mode
  • Fix: Page not scrollable in Learndash Focus Mode if page loader is used
  • Fix: Page banner option not working on course category/tag pages.
  • Fix: WooCommerce checkout billing required fields asterisk(*).

[ Version 1.2.15]

  • New: Added option to change header search field placeholder text
  • New: Added option to show/hide navbar icons in mobile view
  • New: Added option to always show add to cart button
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: WooCommerce templates
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.2.6
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.6.8

[ Version 1.2.14]

  • Fix: Learndash v4.2 lesson expand not working
  • Update: Events Calendar updated design style, old style no longer supported

[ Version 1.2.13]

  • Fix: Customizer settings
  • Update: Background option for single group page
  • Update: Learndash Course Reviews v1.1.1

[ Version 1.2.12]

  • Fix: Elementor compatibility issues
  • Fix: Customizer settings
  • Fix: Cannot open Learndash v4 login & registration modal
  • Fix: Logo size
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.2.5
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.5.19

[ Version 1.2.11]

  • Fix: Course page sidebar template error
  • New: Added option to show next & previous posts in the same category
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.2.4
  • Update: Learndash Course Reviews v1.1
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.5.15

[ Version 1.2.10]

  • New: Block Courses & Block Groups – added option to show only enrolled or not-enrolled courses/groups
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.2.3

[ Version 1.2.9]

  • Fix: Elementor Pro custom header JS error
  • Fix: Course meta data, price display issue on search page
  • Fix: Customizer switch options missing
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.2.2
  • Update: Slider Revolution 6.5.5

[ Version 1.2.8]

  • New: Block Groups element for elemetor
  • Fix: Course & Group archive customizer setting not working
  • Update: Slider Revolution 6.5.4
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.2.1
  • Update: Learndash Course Reviews v1.0.10

[ Version 1.2.7]

  • Fix: 2 search forms on course search page
  • Update: CSS styles

[ Version 1.2.6]

  • Fix: No courses on course category/tag pages
  • Fix: Responsive slider settings not working after Elementor 3.2 update
  • Fix: Search template
  • New: Added option to turn on sticky navbar on selected screen sizes
  • Improvement: Sticky sidebar top spacing on course page
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.2.0
  • Update: Learndash Course Reviews v1.0.9

[ Version 1.2.5]

  • New: AJAX Search Form
  • New: Elementor: Added options to show/hide filters in Course Search
  • New: Added option to hide Call to action button on mobile
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.1.9
  • Update: Learndash Course Reviews v1.0.8
  • Update: Learndash Custom Meta v1.0.4

[ Version 1.2.4]

  • New: Show shared course instructors added by the Instroctor Role plugin in Instructors section
  • Fix: CSS styles
  • Fix: Course content no access tooltip position

[ Version 1.2.3]

  • New: LifterLMS support
  • New: Added options to hide course price and author in course list
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.1.8
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.4.8
  • Update: Learndash Course Reviews v1.0.7

[ Version 1.2.2]

  • New: LearnDash Group template & options
  • Fix: Added Header 3 user icon on mobile
  • Fix: Navbar icon dropdown on touchscreen
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.1.7
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.2.23
  • Update: Learndash Custom Meta v1.0.3
  • Update: Learndash Course Reviews v1.0.6

[ Version 1.2.1]

  • Fix: Customizer settings on WordPress v5.5
  • Fix: Events Countdown Block timer
  • Fix: Sidebar select option in Customizer
  • Fix: CSS styles
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.1.6
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.2.21
  • Update: WooCommerce templates

[ Version 1.2]

  • New: Added option to display/hide/sort meta data on course page
  • New: Added option to disable theme login box
  • New: Added option to set custom user page for nav login button
  • New: Added option to set custom login page for nav login button
  • New: Added option to hide social share buttons on single post and course page.
  • New: Added Retake course button
  • New: Added comments section on course page
  • Fix: Page banner option for pages
  • Fix: Take course button for open course types
  • Fix: Hide featured image option for posts
  • Fix: Logo image size
  • Fix: Author’s archive page setting
  • Fix: Block Posts tag as tabs option
  • Fix: Students Enrolled count
  • Update: Theme templates
  • Update: WooCommerce templates
  • Update: Learndash Course Reviews v1.0.5
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.1.5

[ Version 1.1.12 ]

  • Fix: Block Posts and Block Courses
  • Fix: Hide students enrolled for open course type

[ Version 1.1.11 ]

  • New: Added forum section on single course page.
  • Fix: Customize > Templates > Page > Page banner option for pages
  • Fix: Default featured image for post style 2
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: Spirit Framework plugin v1.1.4
  • Update: LearnDash Custom Meta plugin v1.0.2
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.2.2
  • Update: WooCommerce templates

[ Version 1.1.10 ]

  • New: Course intro background option
  • New: Added video preview in course list
  • New: Course related type: Random
  • New: Added option to use text or icon button on WooCommerce product page
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: WooCommerce templates
  • Update: Events Calendar Pro templates
  • Update: Slider Revolution v6.1.7

[ Version 1.1.9 ]

  • New: Added close button to login modal
  • Fix: BuddyPress white screen if Private Messaging or Notifications component is disabled
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.1.3

[ Version 1.1.8 ]

  • New: BuddyPress support
  • New: Demo 2, Demo 5
  • New: Header style 9
  • Update: WooCommerce templates
  • Update: Slider Revolution 6.1.5
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.1.2

[ Version 1.1.7 ]

  • New: Added thumbnail overlay color and status label background color option to Block Courses
  • New: Added footer top border width and color option
  • Fix: Blog page shows no posts, masonry layout
  • Fix: Events Countdown timer
  • Fix: CSS styles
  • Update: Theme templates
  • Update: LearnDash Course Reviews v1.0.4

[ Version 1.1.6 ]

  • New: Added bbPress support
  • Fix : Course sidebar take course button
  • Fix : Theme update notification issue
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.1.1

[ Version 1.1.5 ]

  • New: Added options to change course section titles
  • New: Added option to change course grid thumbnail hover text
  • New: Added hooks for course sections
  • New: Setup closed courses with WooCommerce without Button URL.
  • Fix : Removed bottom space on course page ( Tab style )
  • Improvement: Course sidebar display position on mobile view.
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.1.0

[ Version 1.1.2 ]

  • New: Added option to change “Blog” text on Blog page
  • New: Added breadcrumbs for blog posts – Post style 2
  • New: Page Banner option – breadcrumbs
  • New: Added option to add CTA button class
  • New: Added header ads option for header style 4
  • Fix: Course sidebar enroll status for free courses
  • Fix: CSS styles
  • Fix: Demo Content
  • Fix: Revolution Slider v6.0 navigation theme Arrows
  • Update: WooCommerce template
  • Update: Talemy Demo Data v1.0.8
  • Update: Spirit Framework v1.0.9

[ Version 1.1.1 ]

  • New: RTL support
  • New: right side nav
  • New: navbar login button text style
  • New: Block Course/Posts – option to change order of tabs
  • New: Automatic Theme update
  • Fix: wp_video_shortcode error
  • Improvement: CSS styles.
  • Update: Fontawesome 5.10.1
  • Update: Learndash Course Reviews v1.0.3
  • Update: Spirit Framework 1.0.8

[ Version 1.1.0 ]

  • New: Demo Kindergarten, Demo 3
  • New: LearnDash 3.0 theme support ( Legacy theme is no longer supported )
  • New: Learndash Woocommerce integration support
  • New: Single Course style 2, Course Grid style 2
  • New: Block Course hide “All” tab option, order option
  • Fix: Block Course preload content feature
  • Update: LearnDash Course Reviews plugin
  • Update: LearnDash Custom Meta plugin
  • Update: Spirit Framework plugin

[ Version 1.0.5 ]

  • New demos: One Course, One Instructor
  • New: add support for Events Calendar Filter Bar plugin
  • Fix: The Event Calendar shortcode styling
  • New: Add option to select event list view image size
  • New: LearnDash admin notification is now permanently dismissable
  • New: Add new footer top layout
  • New: Add option to use custom page logo
  • Update: WooCommerce templates

[ Version 1.0.1 ]

  • New: Demo High School
  • Improvement: CSS styles

[ Version 1.0.0 ]

  • Initial Release