[ Version 1.0.8 ]

  • New: Added AJAX Posts filter for Elementor Courses, Posts widget
  • New: Added Elementor Products widget
  • New: Nav menu added icon option for more item
  • Fix: Account Dashboard page not working
  • Update: Tutor LMS Templates

[ Version 1.0.7 ]

  • Update: Tutor course author link to instructor’s page
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: WooCommerce Templates
  • Update: Spirit Core v1.0.5

[ Version 1.0.6 ]

  • Fix: Google Fonts display issue ( Lifeshine > Fonts > Tools > Regenerate Fonts URL )
  • Fix: Mega Menu content block
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: Spirit Core v1.0.4

[ Version 1.0.5 ]

  • New: Added category option to Events List widget
  • Fix: Typography settings
  • Fix: Tutor Course Bundle style
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: Twitter Icon
  • Update: Spirit Core v1.0.3

[ Version 1.0.4 ]

  • New: Added Health & Wellness Coach, Fitness Coach, Musical Coach homepages
  • Fix: Demo import error
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: Lifeshine Demo Data v1.0.3

[ Version 1.0.3 ]

  • New: Added option to show only enrolled courses in Courses Widgets(Elementor)
  • Fix: Custom Page Logo not working for transparent header
  • Update: CSS styles

[ Version 1.0.2 ]

  • Fix: WordPress 6.4 compatibility
  • Update: Spirit Core v1.0.2
  • Update: Lifeshine Demo Data v1.0.2

[ Version 1.0.1 ]

  • New: Theme Setup Wizard
  • Fix: Template errors
  • Update: CSS styles
  • Update: Lifeshine Demo Data v1.0.1
  • Update: Spirit Core v1.0.1

[Version 1.0]

  • Initial release