Vox theme allows you to use image or SVG ( Scalable Vector Graphics ) file for the logo. It is only required to upload one logo to be used in every location, however you have the option to upload a different version of the logo for mobile/nav separately. To support high resolution devices, an exact 2x size of the logo is required. SVG logo will look sharp on every resolution, so there’s no need to upload an extra retina version.

How to Upload A Logo

  1.  Navigate to Vox > Theme Options > Branding > Logo section to access logo options.
  2. In this section you will see the options to upload Main Logo and Mobile/Nav Logo, and their corresponding Retina versions. You could use any size of the logo image as you want, but the logo size will not extend bigger than its container. Click choose file buttons to select your logo files from the pop-up dialog.

Recommended logo sizes:

  • Main Logo for Header style 1: _ x 70px
  • Mobile/Nav Logo: _ x 30px

How to Upload A Favicon

  1. Navigate to Vox > Theme Options > Branding > Favicon section to access logo options.
  2. Click choose file buttons to select your favicons from the pop-up dialog. It’s not recommended to use SVG favicon file as the majority of the browsers don’t support it.

How to Set iOS/Android Home Screen Icon

  1. Navigate to Vox > Theme Options > Branding > iOS/Android Home Screen Icon section to access home screen icon options.
  2. In this section you will see 7 upload options, each image size will target a specific range of devices. It’s not necessary to upload all of the images in order to make this work, it’s sufficient to upload one for android device and one for iOS products. Or simply leave these options untouched if its not needed.
